Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I recently learned they’ve stopped teaching cursive writing in most schools. Print? Yes. Script? Not anymore. No longer are children learning how to link the letters of each word in a continuous flow.

But it’s not just the children. When was the last time you hand-wrote a letter? Or put a stamp on an envelope that wasn’t a bill? Even bills and commercial exchanges are being completed via the Internet. This past week, I completed a writing contract with an e-signature and returned it via email.

Just thinking about it makes me feel old. Between this and the perennial struggle to remember the year (anyone else been practicing turning 2s into 3s as they write the new year?), I’m acutely aware of the passing of time.

Remember Star Trek (the original television series)? Many of the futuristic tools used on the show are now commonplace in our lives. Personal computers, voice-activated computing (anyone have the newest iPhone?) tablets and styluses, wireless earpieces, and GPS tracking are just a few of the innovations originally imagined for the 23rd century. The future is now.

But no matter what happens, one thing will never change. The one, true, living God is immutable – He never changes. The Bible tells us:

Psalm 102:27 – “But you remain the same, and your years will never end.”

Malachi 3:6 – “I the Lord do not change.”

Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

James 1:17 – “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Why is it a good thing that God does not change? Because we can rely on Him. We can rely on His unchanging mercy and grace. His unchanging comfort and compassion. His unchanging guidance and protection.

My world is constantly changing, but my God will never change. Now excuse me while I go write a letter…in longhand!

What is it about our world that makes you feel old?


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  1. Anita

    Technology makes me feel “old”. I love reading and writing, but learning all about social media is a bit overwhelming for me. I know as a writer it’s necessary, but, good grief! Just when I think I maybe might be getting a handle on something, it changes. It’s not just the internet either. I miss the time when a phone was just a phone. 🙂 Thank goodness God doesn’t change. He’s the one constant in this rapidly changing world of technology!

  2. admin

    I can relate, Anita. I still struggle with the fact that my “smart phone” is smarter than me! 😉

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