Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I recently returned from another writers’ conference: the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference (CCWC). It was a wonderful time of networking with others in Christian publishing, reconnecting with old friends, and meeting new colleagues.

Writer’s conferences usually offer an abundance of workshops and continuing classes. There are also numerous opportunities to meet with editors, agents, and multi-published authors.

During my meetings with new, unpublished writers who were attending their first conference, their deer-in-the-headlights looks reminded me of my own first-time experience. I remember wanting to attend every workshop offered. I certainly needed every workshop! As I listened to the authors on faculty, I wondered if I would ever achieve that level of accomplishment.

Eight years after my first conference, I have to resist the urge to pinch myself to ensure I’m not dreaming. God has used this time to open many doors of opportunity – doors I never could have opened on my own. I’m doing what I love as a multi-published author, Bible teacher, and speaker.

Now, I’m certainly not doing it for monetary reward – published authors know there isn’t much money (if any!) unless you’re a NY Times mega-seller. No, this isn’t about financial accomplishments. This is a ministry, a calling on my life. It’s part of who I am, and I’m able to do it because others have invested in me.

Now it’s my turn to pass it on. So when I met with a new group of first-timers in Colorado, I had the blessing of being able to encourage and teach, even as I have been encouraged and taught.

Open DoorDuring this most recent conference, God once again opened doors of opportunity for writing and teaching. But as I reflect on these doors, I’m reminded that each one opens in His perfect time. Forcing doors open before God wants me to walk through them will ultimately work against me. Even worse, it will detract from His glory in my life and work.

Are you standing in front of a locked door? Yes, it may lead to the fulfillment of God’s promises for you. But if you try to force it open before His time, the outcome will be like a half-baked cake: inedible and a waste of time and ingredients. Don’t waste your season of waiting by cutting it short. Wait on God’s perfect timing – I promise you, He delights in doing “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

What doors has God opened for you?
What doors are you waiting for Him to open?

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  1. Janice D. Green

    Thank you for your timely post. I’m having to learn to sit back a little more and stop pushing so hard. God has opened a door for me to do start a Bible study in my community – something that has frustrated me for over 17 years and is now showing great promise with over 20 people signed up. My writing…? I’m still looking for some new doors.

  2. admin

    I understand, Janice. Sometimes “wait” is a more difficult answer for me to live with than “no.”

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