Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Here in Florida, the weather is usually balmy by northern standards – even though many Floridians are now dressed in pants and jackets due to the latest change in our weather. While our northern neighbors may be shoveling snow and scraping ice, we complain about cold fronts that lower the temperature to 60 degrees. I have to confess, even after twelve years in Florida, I still struggle with calling them “cold” fronts. Perhaps “cool” fronts are more accurate, although nighttime temperatures in the 30s are about to change my mind.

Although it’s been a while since I’ve shoveled snow, the cooler weather and the recent Christmas carols have turned my thoughts to the wet, white stuff. As I consider the delicate crystals, they remind me of…Christians!

Snowflakes are unique, yet seem to look alike.
Christians are unique individuals, but are all in the process of looking like Christ (Romans 8:29).

Snowflakes cover dirty streets with a white blanket that reflects the sun’s light.
Christians cover a multitude of sins when they express Christ’s love (I Peter 4:8).

Snowflakes are pure refreshment on the tip of the tongue.
Christians bring refreshment as they encourage the weary and faint-hearted (I Thessalonians 5:14).

Snowflakes are fragile alone, but together can shut down a city.
Christians are vulnerable alone, but together, the Body of Christ prevails against the gates of hell (Matthew 16:18)!

Now it’s your turn. Of what do snowflakes remind you?

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  1. Bethany

    I like what they remind you of much better than what comes to my mind; cold and dangerous. Last year we had snow here in N. California all the way into April. Where I live snow means two things: never enough wood in the stove to take the chill off and getting snowed in and stranded. Your perspective (from sunny optomistic Florida 🙂 ) will help me to view snow flakes in a new way. And I like that!

  2. admin

    Bethany –
    I’m originally from the northeast, and you’re right – snow can be dangerous, too.
    Isn’t it nice that God gives us these illustrations in nature to apply to our lives in a variety of ways?!

  3. admin

    I have to add one more comparison from my friend Paulette:
    “Snowflakes sparkle in the sun; Christians sparkle in the Son!”
    Thanks, Paulette!

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