Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Is nothing sacred, anymore?

Why would any Christian want to say no to The Girl Scouts – an organization as American as apple pie?

And yet…that’s just what some are saying today. For all the good this organization has done and is doing, should we ignore the following:

– An article in the Washington Times notes that a cross-dressing seven-year-old boy was admitted as a troop member because: “If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.” Rachelle Trujillo, vice president of communications with Girl Scouts of Colorado, said that any child who is “living life as a girl” is eligible for membership in the organization.

– An article in notes the Girl Scouts’ recent convention celebrating their 100th anniversary by featuring pro-abortion speakers.

– A recent Girl Scouts guidebook recommended that scout members use the liberal organization, Media Matters for America, as a primary source for processing current events.

Are these events enough to besmirch an organization as venerable as The Girl Scouts?

Some say yes, some say no. What do you think?


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  1. Giselle Aguiar

    I read about this and I encourage folks to not buy the cookies. I cannot condone supporting an organization that supports Planned Parenthood.

  2. Paulette

    As a GS leader for 10 years and a parent of a GS for another 9 years I would like to present my opinion.

    The national organization has always been quite liberal. Juliette Low, founder of GS was a rebel! Imagine women camping, oh my! So the liberal leanings started early. However, each state, council, and troop is run by individuals. The troops I have been associated with have all met in churches. We used Carenet for our speakers about reproduction.

    Our council now includes Miami and is probably more liberal leaning because of that. We used to be Martin/Palm Beach. Cookie sale money does support the council, it does not go to the national organization. A set fee is paid to use the “Girl Scout cookie” logo, but no per box amount goes to national. I have many times disagreed with national and written letters to them. They are not responsive, but the councils are responsive to their members.

    So, I suppose it is like a large organized church esposing questionable theology while your local church body is fully teaching the bible. What to do? In the case of the church I would probably have to leave. But since GS is not about salvation we will hang around a little and see if we can influence our surroundings.

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