Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
The Dreaded Christmas Letdown

The Dreaded Christmas Letdown

The Dreaded Christmas Letdown   Christmas is my favorite holiday. Even as I continue to adjust to missing my husband—knowing a piece of my heart resides in heaven—I still love Christmas. Sappy movies with happily-ever-after endings. Hectic schedules punctuated by...

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A Christmas Carol Message: “Silent Night”

A Christmas Carol Message: “Silent Night”

A Christmas Carol Message: “Silent Night”   The quintessential Christmas carol, “Silent Night,” has an interesting backstory. Written 200 years ago for a guitar accompaniment because the church organ required repair, the poignant lyrics and melody are still a...

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Gratitude Prompts

Gratitude Prompts

Gratitude Prompts   There’s a saying traveling the internet these days that goes something like this: “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” (Was that as convicting for you as it was for me?) Thanksgiving Day is the...

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Be the One, Not the Nine, to Say Thank You

Be the One, Not the Nine, to Say Thank You

Be the One, Not the Nine   We’ve all heard the advice: Don’t buck the crowd. Go along to get along. Don’t rock the boat. When I’m with a group of people, often the last thing I want to do is buck the crowd. Teens are especially vulnerable to this feeling, but...

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Where Do You Live or Abide?

Where Do You Live or Abide?

Where Do You Live?   Where do you live? I don’t mean your street address, or your city, state, or country. Where do you live spiritually and emotionally when the storms of life break over you? Where is your hiding place when your stress level is off the charts?...

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Is It the End of the World?

Is It the End of the World?

Is It the End of the World?   The 2024 presidential election is finally over and while many are celebrating, others are convinced the end of the civilized world as we know it has arrived. Can both polarized opinions be correct? The “end of the world” seems to be...

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Is it Easier to Give or Receive Love?

Is it Easier to Give or Receive Love?

Is it Easier to Give or Receive Love?   A conversation with a friend sparked this question. In her daily quiet time a few years ago, she had asked God to show her how to give absolute love. Aware of the many ways the Lord has lavished His love on her, she wanted...

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Four Things to Do While Waiting

Four Things to Do While Waiting

Four Things to Do While Waiting   Are you in God’s waiting room? Have you been praying for something, waiting for an answer, hoping your circumstances will change? I confess, waiting is not my favorite activity. And right now, I’m in a season of waiting. During...

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