Are You Feeling Pressured? Is anyone besides me a bit tired of hearing how pressure turns coal into diamonds? How we should welcome pressure because God uses it to refine us into “jewels”? Every time I hear this illustration, my first thought is that coal is...
In Jesus’ Name: More Than a Tagline!
In Jesus’ Name: More Than a Tagline! How often have you ended a prayer with “in Jesus’ name”? We say it so frequently, that it has almost become a tagline. But how did this practice begin? Several verses in the New Testament tell us to pray in Jesus’ name,...
How Did the Solar Eclipse Change You?
How Did the Solar Eclipse Change You? The 2024 solar eclipse is now history. The special glasses sought in a frenzy prior to April 8 have been cast aside. Life is back to normal once again. So, has anything really changed? For some, the dance of the sun and...
The Parable of the Donuts
The Parable of the Donuts Today’s blog post is a bit different from most of my posts. This parable has been around for a while, although the author is unknown. I cry every time I read it. It’s a little longer than usual, but I pray this will touch your heart...
Changing the Way We View Substitution
Changing the Way We View Substitution With Easter fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about substitution. And I suddenly realized that, for all my years of teaching, I’ve missed it. Maybe you have, too. All too often, we’ve allowed the world’s way of...
Time Constraints . . . Or Not
Time Constraints . . . Or Not It has been almost two weeks and I’m finally adjusting to the time change after re-setting our clock forward for Daylight Savings Time. My dog, on the other hand, is still confused as to when she should be fed. Based on past...
The Impact of Story
The Impact of Story I love a good story, don’t you? Skilled storytellers have beguiled audiences with mesmerizing tales since the dawn of time. I have vivid memories of waiting breathlessly for stories to unfold, beginning with the words, “Once upon a time . . .”...
Isolation or Insulation?
Isolation or Insulation? Isolate yourself from our worldly culture. Insulate yourself from worldly influences. Which is it? Are we to isolate or insulate? As our nation continues to distance itself from its Judeo-Christian roots, Christians find...
Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom!
Ask and You Will Receive . . . Wisdom! Wisdom seems to be in short supply these days, whether among political and corporate leaders or among the average people you meet on the street. People say and do things that often make us scratch our heads. He did what?...
Five Steps to Prevent Spiritual Cannibalism
Five Steps to Prevent Spiritual Cannibalism I enjoy watching nature documentaries. Videos of tender, newborn fawns wobbling on shaky legs for the first time. Penguins holding their young close to keep them warm. Kangaroos protecting their joeys in the safety of...
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