Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
How Do You Approach Waiting?

How Do You Approach Waiting?

How Do You Approach Waiting?   Have you ever drawn the proverbial line in the sand and said, “I’m done waiting. No more!” We wait in lines at the grocery store. We wait on hold for customer service reps to take our call. And we wait for trains and buses to take...

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The Shape of Rescue

The Shape of Rescue

The Shape of Rescue   What does rescue look like? Rescue doesn’t always appear in the form we expect. That’s because God doesn’t think as we do. He doesn’t act as we do, either. And trouble follows when I expect God to respond based on my understanding of the...

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Unappreciated?   Ever feel as if you’re unappreciated? It’s happened to most of us. And during this COVID-19 pandemic it’s happening even more often. Employees are doing the work of two or three people as coworkers resign due to virus fears or are laid off due to...

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Handling Disappointment

Handling Disappointment

Handling Disappointment   The year 2020 started with such potential. New year. New possibilities. To say it has been a disappointment is an understatement! Many of us are battered and bruised by canceled plans, health issues, financial pressures, isolation, and...

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Believing a Lie

Believing a Lie

Stories are told of children traumatized when they learn Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are not real. But what about the lies we believe as adults? Some are obvious, some not so much. I recently read an article about a woman who watered a plant for two years before...

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Our Need to Remember

Three years ago this month, my husband receiveda diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Two years ago this month, the doctor told him his prognosis was terminal. For me, January will always be associated with these events. For better or for worse, our need to remember is...

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Lessons from a Weed

Some say a weed is just a plant flourishing where you don’t want it to grow. The plant I gazed at certainly fit that description. Its tender green leaves and slim stem contrasted with the smoky-blue Florida sky as it grew in the gutter on my roof. Definitely a place I...

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Abounding in Hope Despite the Rain

Hurricane Barry made landfall on the Louisiana coast in July as 2019’s first hurricane. As Barry approached, fears about the Category 1 hurricane focused primarily on water damage from storm surge, an already high Mississippi river, and torrential rain. And Hurricane...

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