Are You Mastered or a Masterpiece? Did you know my bio is recorded in the Bible? Yup! Paul described me to a T when he wrote in Romans 7:15-19, “I do not understand what I do . . . For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I...
How Desensitized Are You?
How Desensitized Are You? As I write this, my phone is dinging. Breaking news: “At least 12 dead after massive landslide overtakes village in Ecuador.” Yesterday’s headline: “38 killed in fire in Mexico migrant detention camp.” Two days ago, breaking news...
Called, Loved, and Kept
Called, Loved, and Kept There’s a lot of talk in Christian circles about being “called,” and rightly so. The Bible tells us: We’re called to a holy calling (2 Timothy 1:9) Many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14) God works all things together for God...
Life-Changing Advice
Life-Changing Advice I’ll never forget Betty. Betty was an older woman I knew from church when I was a young newlywed. She was a retired nurse, married with adult children. Her father-in-law lived with them because he could no longer live independently due to...
A Different Kind Exercise
A Different Kind of Exercise I’m naturally drawn to exercise. Stretches and jumps. Weightlifting, squats, and running. Um . . . actually not the kind of stretching, jumping, weightlifting, squats, or running that might have occurred to you. I’m actually the...
Random Acts of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness Have you noticed that kindness seems more significant when it occurs randomly? Maybe it’s due to expectations. We expect people we know to be kind or we wouldn’t continue the relationship. Or maybe we expect others to be kind because we...
Happy National Umbrella Day
National Umbrella Day Brolly, gamp, bumbershoot—all British terms for something better known to most of us as the lowly, yet invaluable umbrella. Invaluable in our moment of need, yet lowly only minutes later. We take it with us for protection from the...
Living with Uncertainty
Living with Uncertainty Benjamin Franklin may not have originated the phrase, but he is well known for observing, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It’s ironic that living with uncertainty is one of the few certainties...
Adapt or Transform?
Adapt or Transform? I've heard it said that when you move from a cold climate to a warm one, your blood “thins.” After the recent cold snap, I can attest to the fact that fifty degrees in New York feels warm, but after more than twenty years in south Florida,...
Waiting Joyfully
Waiting Joyfully “Wait” is my one-word for 2022. I confess, for most of this year I have not been waiting well. I’ve wanted to wait better. Really. But an examination of why I haven’t been waiting well yielded the realization that my focus was on the wrong...
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