Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Attractively Countercultural

Attractively Countercultural

Attractively Countercultural   I recently listened to a Bible study where a friend challenged her listeners to be attractively countercultural. What does that look like? And what does that mean compared to fifty, thirty, or even twenty years ago? Countercultural...

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True/False Quiz: What We Believe and Why

True/False Quiz: What We Believe and Why

True/False Quiz: What We Believe and Why   What’s Christian and what’s not? Test your answers to the following 10 true or false statements: All spirituality is good. We are essentially “one” with all that exists, including God. God is separate from humanity. Science...

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Does the World Know What We Are Against or For?

Does the World Know What We Are Against or For?

Does the World Know What We Are Against or For?   The Christian community has taken a stand on the issue of abortion. To end a pregnancy is to end a life. Not potential life. Life. We object to abortion. We work to change civil laws that violate God’s moral law....

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Is It the End of the World?

Is It the End of the World?

Is It the End of the World?   The 2024 presidential election is finally over and while many are celebrating, others are convinced the end of the civilized world as we know it has arrived. Can both polarized opinions be correct? The “end of the world” seems to be...

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Biblical Wisdom in Engaging Culture

Biblical Wisdom in Engaging Culture

Biblical Wisdom in Engaging Culture   Are you a dolphin or a jellyfish? Even the most casual observation of our culture today reveals lies repeated until the majority accepts them as truth. Right and wrong have become relevant terms dependent on individual...

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Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe   Passions are riding high these days. In many ways, our culture—especially related to politics—is at a flashpoint. The slightest spark has the potential—no, the probability—of setting a wildfire consuming everything in its path. We...

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The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word

The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word

The Encouragement of an Encouraging Word   Our Western civilization is becoming less and less civil by the day. Anger erupts over true slights as well as perceived ones. The art of civil discourse has all but died. And the lyrics to the familiar “Home on the...

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Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?

Isolation or Insulation?   Isolate yourself from our worldly culture. Insulate yourself from worldly influences.   Which is it? Are we to isolate or insulate? As our nation continues to distance itself from its Judeo-Christian roots, Christians find...

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The Trouble with Refrigerator Magnet Theology

The Trouble with Refrigerator Magnet Theology

The Trouble with Refrigerator Magnet Theology   How many magnets grace the front of your refrigerator? One? Five? Twelve? Refrigerator magnets can be silly, serious, or snarky. They can be cute, corny, or sometimes even classy. Refrigerator magnets have also...

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Attractively Countercultural

Attractively Countercultural

Attractively Countercultural   I recently listened to a Bible study where a friend challenged her listeners to be...