Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Saturday - the day between

Saturday: The Day Between


We know about Maundy Thursday: the day Jesus celebrated Passover and shared His last supper with His disciples.

We commemorate Good Friday: a day we can call “good” because Jesus died a substitutionary death for us.

And we celebrate Easter Sunday: the day Jesus vanquished death. His resurrection promises our resurrection, too.

But what about Saturday? The day in the middle. A silent day. The day in which the world held its collective breath and waited. The day between.

Between death and life.

Judgment and forgiveness.

Despair and dreams.

But Saturday was more than a box on a calendar. More than 24 hours. It provided an arena where fear and hope collided. A collision that reverberated into Sunday morning and shook the world. Hope won.

And nothing would ever be the same.

Saturday was the day between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. But it also represents a time of waiting by God’s people. The time between Christ’s first advent and His second coming. A time during which the Church of Jesus Christ is to be a light in the darkness. Salt in the midst of a corrupt world. Speaking truth in love and applying that truth to our own lives before we dare preach it to others.

Saturday also represents the time of waiting in your life and mine. Waiting in hope for promises claimed from Scripture. Salvation for loved ones. Comfort in mourning. Healing from illness. Clinging to what we know is true even in the wait. And trusting as we wait.

Because Saturday always gives way to Sunday.


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  1. Nancy E. Head

    One idea about Saturday is that no one knew it would change. It seemed the world would go on with Christ gone and in the grave. When we struggle, it seems like the challenge will go on forever. “This too shall pass.” Words to encourage us. Words to live by. Happy Easter, Ava. God bless!

  2. Dave

    Thank you for this great reminder, Ava!

    Many years ago, a story-telling preacher named S.I. Emery described Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob waiting centuries.

    Then Jesus breaking out of the tomb, slipping into their prison, and announcing, “Abraham, I’m here. Isaac, I’m here.”

    I wept then and still weep at that scene.

  3. Lyn

    Hey Ava…a real “eye opener”. Thank you for raising my consciousness, my dear friend! Trust you will be blessed on this joyous “Resurrection Sunday”, as will I.

  4. Melissa Henderson

    Amen. More than just a box on the calendar, Saturday is the day of waiting. Friday brought darkness but Sunday will bring the light. Blessings to you and your family this Easter.

  5. Stephen De La Vega

    I don’t knowif I’ve ever thought about the day between, Ava. The disciples and the women were together for some of the time, presumably wondering, comforting, and encouraging each other. And the women planned to honor Jesus with spices. Today is the day between for me. I hope I can spend some time encouraging others, especially my family. Thank you for this thought-provoking post.

  6. Karen Friday

    Ava, a beautiful reminder that Saturday, the day in the middle, is a time of waiting by God’s people and the choice between fear and hope. So thankful hope won and always wins in the end.

  7. Jessica Brodie

    Beautiful reflection. This year I’ve been reading more and more about “gray Saturday,” imagining what the disciples were going through in their despair. As you say, “Saturday also represents the time of waiting in your life and mine. Waiting in hope for promises claimed from Scripture.” Amen! We can learn a lot by reflecting on this day.

  8. Melinda Viergever Inman

    This is one of the most beautiful examinations of that Saturday between Good Friday and Easter that I’ve ever read. I found these final words particularly moving and worth meditating on numerous times:

    “Saturday also represents the time of waiting in your life and mine. Waiting in hope for promises claimed from Scripture. Salvation for loved ones. Comfort in mourning. Healing from illness. Clinging to what we know is true even in the wait. And trusting as we wait.Because Saturday always gives way to Sunday.”

    Beautifully stated, Ava. Tears welled up, and I was deeply moved by the connection you made between all of the waiting and hoping and how all of that relates to this day.

  9. Yvonne Morgan

    Beautiful description of the day. I love the part “It provided an arena where fear and hope collided.” So glad hope won.

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