I’ve been inundated with outrage this past week. Righteous indignation filling my social media feeds. Outrage expressed in face-to-face conversations. And outrage at the outrage of others.
So what?
So what that Christians are outraged at the recent passage of a bill signed into law in New York State? A law that removes even the veneer of civilization when it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us?
So what that Christians are outraged that a practice which ends life is now not only legal, it was celebrated with applause and landmark buildings lit up for the world to see?
And so what that the outrage of Christians is spilling into most of their conversations?
What are we doing about it?
Yes, Christians can feel like salmon swimming against the current in a society that no longer even pretends to share our values and morals.
Yes, Christians can become discouraged, citing the adage, “You can’t fight city hall.”
And yes, the political landscape seems skewed toward running away from God and His Word instead of to Him.
But we still have options:
When was the last time you made a difference—and not just expressing your outrage on social media?
Have you donated financially to a ministry such as Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast?
- If money is tight, have you donated your time to such a ministry? There are opportunities for peer counselors and mommy-mentors. Training is provided.
- Have you participated in a Walk for Life or hosted a table at a fundraising banquet to give other people an opportunity to donate through your efforts?
Have you come alongside other ministries? Will you explore opportunities with organizations such as:
- Embrace Grace: “inspiring and equipping the church to love on girls with crisis pregnancies.”
- Youmoms: a local group whose mission is to “encourage, equip, and empower young and expectant mothers and their children. And to equip the church to be a safe place for them to thrive.”
- YoungLives: an organization that mentors teen moms
- Mary’s Shelter: another local group whose mission is to “save lives by empowering and equipping homeless, pregnant young women for lives of dignity, hope, and self-sufficiency.”
- Hannah’s Home: “provides a safe and loving Christian environment for single pregnant young women. Through counseling, life skills and continuing education, we offer hope and transform lives.”
If these organizations are not available in your area, find ministries with similar missions.
Have you considered how you might encourage foster families?
- If you can’t foster, how about adopting a foster family? Come alongside to support them in the call on their lives.
- Or donate to a local foster closet to provide for needs of foster families.
Don’t have an organization in your area similar to the ones I’ve referenced? Then perhaps this Bible verse can apply to you:
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 ESV).
Yes, this verse is specific to an event and a person. But the principle still applies. We have been brought into the kingdom of Jesus Christ at this time, in this place. What will we do with the privilege of representing the Savior in the place He has planted us?
In the interest of transparency, I’m a board member of our local crisis pregnancy center, Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast.
But there was a time when I talked a good game of righteous indignation and moral outrage without doing anything. And one day I realized that had to change. I started small by attending a fundraising banquet. The next year, I hosted a table, inviting others to learn about this ministry. Further involvement culminated in my board role.
I say this, not for kudos, but to encourage you to start somewhere.
Start with outrage…but don’t stop there.
Very well said!!!
Simply beautiful Ava, well-said and much needed in such a time as this. Love you and so glad we are friends on a mission spreading His Word to all.
Ava, thank you for your wisdom. If Christians don’t speak out then we are lost. There are lots of people who want to adopt. There are foster parents who take children and help them. Why do we have to abort just adopt. Thank you for what you are doing with CARENET.
You can also donate to ACLJ a Christian Legal Group that has filed suit against this law. They are well known for taking up offenses against persecuted Christians and Christian principles.
Thank you, Lesley, Jackie, and Bonnie.
Yes, Linda, there are legal options as well.
Very well stated Ava…..
Thank you, Barbara.
When I found out I was pregnant at 16 I was scared to death. I just wanted it to go away. But I carried my baby the full nine months. Went away after I couldn’t go to school because I was showing.. (this was 1967). I delivered my son and gave him up for adoption. When I counted the years and knew he was 18 I started looking for him. I finally found him when he was 42. God is awesome. It was perfect timing. Gods timing. Now we’ve been together for 8 years. We text and send pics every day. It was tough. But I’m so happy I didn’t get an abortion!!! I share my story whenever I can. Don’t kill your baby!!!!!
Wow, Mickey! What a wonderful testimony!
Thanks Ava!
We certainly like to get caught up in the outrage and feel like we are doing something.
Christians, in general, seem to be floundering in trying to deal with our culture that has turned so abruptly. There is so much fear, anger, hopelessness, and pain in our world. We have the Answer, but people won’t hear it when it is shouted at them. The still small voice will prevail. Care Net and these other organizations don’t shout, they smile and help.
Our culture is desperately seeking meaning. Like a teenager who rebels against discipline they push the idea of God away. But that same teen will respond to love, that is the face of God we need to reveal to the world.
BTW, a local Boy Scout is earning his Eagle award by helping the local foster closet. Donations can be brought to the closet on Monterey Rd near Kanner.
Thanks Ava for reminding us actions speak louder than words. ❤️
That a great list of practical action steps we can take in this crazy time.
Thank you, Paulette!
Thank you, Dave.
Awesome post and so needed. Let’s not forget sometimes acting upon something like this can be quite simple. Sign petitions. The ACLJ has these going on all the time and they act by showing up to Congress and delivering our signatures. We can support them also.
Yes, that’s another way to take action!
Thank you, Ava. Not only can we support these kinds of ministries, but we can offer ourselves closer to home. I originally got involved in the pro-life movement because a teen in my church was pregnant and considering abortion. I was able to “come alongside” and help her look at the big picture 5, 10, 40 years into her future. She kept her baby and learned to be a great mom.
What a wonderful testimony, Linda!
Yes, we need to open our eyes and ears to the needs all around us!
Well said Ava. Rather than complain, we must act. Complaints don’t help, actions do.
Excellent and motivating!
Thank you for this wake up call and advice for us to get involved. Thank you for answering the call of God on your life and empowering us to stand up and do something! God Bless!!
This is a great challenge, Ava. I think there are many areas where we can add a step to our words and take action. For many, it won’t involve an effort to save young lives, but there are definitely areas of service for everyone. I like your suggestion to start small. We need to let the Spirit show us the starting line, and then go.
Yes, Stephen, following the Holy Spirit’s leading is the best course of action!
Thank you for giving me the kick in the pants I needed. Thank you for allowing God to give you a word that we need to hear.
Thank you, Sue!
My husband and I are foster, now adoptive, grandparents of our dear friend’s 2 little girls for 5 years now. Another great organization is 4KIDS of South Florida.
Great suggestion, Barbara.
And thank you for making a difference!
Beautiful Biblical Solutions to a Serious Problem! Thank You Ava!
Thank YOU, Robin!