Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I hired thousands of people during my career in Human Resources in New York City over 20+ years.

Some positions were considered “plum” jobs with a high salary, good benefits, and a clear career track. Others were temporary, dead-end, hourly positions that barely paid enough to make the commute worthwhile.

There’s one position I never tried to recruit: mothers. The job description would fill a book. With long hours and no pay, applicants would be few, despite the fact that no experience is necessary. But rather than try to describe the position, I invite you to check out the video below for a fun perspective.

Then, if you’re able, call your mother, wish her a happy Mother’s Day, and tell her “thank you” for working the world’s toughest job!

And if you are a mom, please know your efforts are noticed and appreciated!

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1 Comment

  1. Debra Allard

    LOL. The perfect “mom” job description.

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