Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

It seems children’s entertainment is becoming darker. Movies and video games seem to be pushing children to embrace adult situations. And it’s all in the name of being resourceful—of not needing adults (especially parents) to help them solve their problems.

On the other hand, maybe kids today don’t really have a choice. After all, we’ve done a poor job of protecting them. Molestation and child trafficking abound. Laws supposedly meant to protect children have the opposite effect. For example, in the name of progress, California revised its sex education guidance for public school teachers, giving kindergarten children the burden of determining if they’re identifying as the correct gender. Yes, in kindergarten!

The news this week makes the California policy look tame by comparison. A Dallas jury ruled a mother is free to transition her seven-year-old son into a girl via hormone treatments. The mother confirmed she is acting on her son’s desires and choice.*

Yet, at the same time, even though the boy’s first choice for his new name was Starfire (a cartoon character), his mother encouraged him to choose a different name. Did you catch that? He’s supposedly capable of choosing his gender, but not capable of choosing his name.

Is it any wonder childhood depression and suicide rates are increasing at an alarming rate?

Or that children are being told they shouldn’t be required to have parental involvement in their abortion decisions?

Children and teenagers are dressing like adults, behaving like adults, and sinning at adult levels. Alcohol and substance abuse, as well as promiscuity, are as much in the domain of children as their parents.

Culture’s ruling philosophy is to cast off all restraint. The Bible is no longer our plumb line. Standards of right and wrong spring from preferences rather than biblical convictions. Everything else flows from this corrupt foundation.

And so our culture is hastening children out of childhood in the name of freedom from biblical morality. The result is that we are rushing children into a distorted adulthood.

Oh, that we would return to the Father who created us. To His Son, Jesus, who died for us. And to the Holy Spirit who brings conviction and comfort.

Could it be the enemy of our souls is determined to damage our children so we lose the example of faith Jesus told us to follow? “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3 NIV).

If this breaks our hearts, how it must grieve the heart of the One who longs for us to choose the redemption and reconciliation He offers. The One who longs for us to come…as little children.

What are your thoughts?

*Addendum: The judge in the gender transition case ruled the parents will have joint conservatorship over their seven-year-old son, giving the father a say in joint medical decisions.

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  1. Sherry Diane

    My heart grieves when I read this, although I have been aware of this craziness going on. God’s standards, His word, and His church are much needed in our families’ lives.

  2. Rayma Zugel

    It breaks my heart when a parent comes in to visit with me and, immediately, hands there child, sometimes as young as 2 or 3, their cell phone to watch a show, or whatever. Social media is becoming babysitters.

  3. Pam

    It is so sad what this world has come to. My heart breaks every time I read or watch the news. Yes I believe the enemy is behind this. Anything to cause us to doubt and trust in the Lord. But I stand firm that God is STILL sitting on the throne and HE is in control.

  4. Ava Pennington

    Amen, Pam!

  5. Bonnie Dorsey

    This is so sad. Children’s shoulders are not meant to carry this burden that parents put on them. God will take care of this He is in control.

  6. Julie

    This is very sad, and children should not be forced to carry this burden!

  7. Beth Bingaman

    Caring for our future generations of adults and leaders should be the highest priority of a culture. Surely, we are a nation under judgement.

  8. Karen Friday

    Ava, this sums up how troubling your post is to our hearts and for our children:

    “Our culture is hastening children out of childhood in the name of freedom from biblical morality. The result is that we are rushing children into a distorted adulthood.”

    This is sad on so many levels, from gender identity issues to sexual “education” at younger and younger ages. Father, help us!

  9. Melissa Henderson

    God’s heart must be breaking. I am heartbroken how often we make Him sad. Praying for all.

  10. Stephen De La Vega

    All such critical and relevant points, Ava. And this is profound: “Could it be the enemy of our souls is determined to damage our children so we lose the example of faith Jesus told us to follow?” I hadn’t thought about this before. The curious and pliable mind of a child is a vulnerable breeding ground for worldly mistruths. Oh, Lord, help us guide our children in honor and obedience of your truth.

  11. Jessica Brodie

    Such a powerful word, Ava! Thank you. There is so much darkness in the world. We used to value spending time with children because of the light they brought to our sometimes sad, dark lives. Now it seems the world is bent on driving darkness into them, too. Whatever we can do to lift up Jesus and keep the darkness at bay is GOOD.

  12. Lisa Quintana

    It doesn’t just “seem” things are getting more dark, they ARE definitely DARK. We can’t protect our kids from it all, but we can train them to think critically about what they see and view in the media. I say train them up to recognize the messages being sent – what worldview is the media portraying… Naturalism, where nothing supernatural is real? Pantheism, where gods are in everything and we are gods, too? Hinduism, where we have “karma” and are reincarnated? Once we get them to be active viewers, looking for these belief systems, then they won’t just passively ‘mentally digest’ all the junk that is out there. Teach them, too, what they believe, and WHY they believe it, because that is the only way they are going to be able to discern lies in what they see/view/learn.

  13. Ava Pennington

    Well said, Lisa.

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