Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Catch Us if You CAN: Spring Scavenger Hunt!

STOP #22, Ava Pennington’s Blog

CANHunt SpringLogo 14

Here are the CAN Hunt’s official guidelines:

     WELCOME to the Catch Us if You CAN: Spring Scavenger Hunt! We hope you enjoy meeting Christian Author Network members as you chase down clues for the chance to win our grand prize: $200 in gift cards from CBD, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon, plus 29 free books, one from each participating CAN author!

      2nd & 3rd Prizes: $50 Amazon, B&N, or CBD gift certificate!

·     Catch us on this hunt beginning at Noon on Friday, 03/21/14 and ending at Midnight on Thursday, 03/27/14. No need to hurry as you search for clues—you have almost an entire week! If you need help at any time during the hunt, check in here.

·     Enjoy 29 stops, each featuring a different CAN author!

 ·    Gather the clues from each post, beginning at STOP # 1 and ending at Stop #29. Follow the directions and fill out the Rafflecopter form. Be ready to provide the complete clue in sentence form, gathered from all 29 stops, within 2 days of email notification or another winner will be randomly drawn. There is no need to email/submit the clue, unless you are notified by 03/29/14.

Sorry, due to international regulations and postage costs, prizes will be awarded to US Residents only. Individual contests within the hunt may vary, so please read rules presented with each giveaway.

Web19Welcome, Hunters! I’m pleased to introduce Diane Stortz at this stop.  Diane is a prolific children’s writer whose passion is telling the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord…

Diane, how did you get started writing?

As I earned a BA in journalism from Arizona State University, I realized that I loved to write but lacked the confidence and sophistication needed to succeed as a newspaper reporter, which had been my goal. After graduation, God moved me (that’s a long story!) to Cincinnati, where a Christian publisher hired me to develop Sunday school curriculum for preschoolers. Then after many years working as a book editor and editorial director for that same publisher, I found I really wanted to be on the other side of the desk, writing books myself. In 2006 I left the publishing house and began to write and work as a freelance editor. It’s been a great blessing!

What’s a typical workday like for you?

I wish I had one! Working from home has so many distractions, and I tend to be more go-with-the-flow than structured anyway. This year I’m working on being more organized, however!

That’s my goal, too! Tell us about your books.

SSB.LargeI wrote my very first book when I was ten—the story of the golden spike and the first transcontinental railroad. While working as an editor, I sometimes wrote a board book or picture book to fill in our line. Then about the time I began freelancing, I wrote Jesus Loves You: A Read-the-Pictures Book, followed by Parents of Missionaries: How to Thrive and Stay Connected When Your Children and Grandchildren Serve Cross-Culturally, which I co-authored with a friend who is a licensed clinical counselor. For six years my husband and I were POMs (parents of missionaries). POMs are some of the bravest people I know! I’ve written two Bible storybooks, The Sweetest Story Bible: Sweet Thoughts and Sweet Words for Little Girls and Rumble! Zap! Pow! Mighty Stories of God, plus two board books for Roma Downey’s Little Angels™ series. My newest book is A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year.

What do you hope readers will gain from your books?

I want to draw readers into God’s Word to get to know God. I want them—whatever their ages—to discover how accessible the Bible is, how beautiful, and how essential for their lives. I want them to see God as he reveals himself in the Bible and learn to love, trust, and obey him more.

That’s a terrific goal, Diane. What projects are you working on now?

Recently I completed the manuscript for a bedtime Bible storybook that will be out in 2015. I’m under contract with the same publisher for a second new children’s book as well.

Congratulations on your new contract! When you’re not writing, what activities do you enjoy?

I’m eagerly waiting for spring so I can get outdoors to walk and garden. I also have my own basketball and hoop—I’m not good, but it’s fun to get outside and shoot. My husband and I have three young grandsons we love to visit and spend time with!

Do you have a life verse?

I’ve never specifically chosen just one verse, but if I did, Psalm 119:74 would be in the running. It reminds me that my determination to know and trust God’s Word can greatly encourage others: “May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in your word” (NLT).

Thank you, Diane!

Readers, Diane would love to connect with you at:

CAN hunter, are you ready to continue?


1. Before you go, write down this STOP #22 clue: our

2. WAIT! Check out this giveaway: a copy of the deluxe edition of The Sweetest Story Bible, with a hardcover book and all the stories on two CDs, narrated by Roma Downey. To enter, hunters need to sign up for Diane’s newsletter at OR “Like” her Facebook author page, Diane Stortz Books.



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  1. Megan Wilson

    I liked Diane Stortz’s facebook page. 🙂 Ninjaspy13(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. Tina Hunt

    This is fun. Liked your author page. Blessings

  3. admin

    Thanks! Glad you’re enjoying the scavenger hunt! 🙂

  4. Emma

    I liked Diane Stortz’s facebook page.
    “Liked” Ava Pennington’s Facebook Author Page. Thank you for the opportunity to win.Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. admin

    Thanks for playing, Emma! Hope you’re enjoying the hunt!

  6. admin

    Thanks, Linda! Hope you’re enjoying the hunt!

  7. Laura Pol

    The Sweetest Story Bible just sounds…sweet! 🙂 Looks like a little girl would really enjoy it! I liked your FB page and thank you for the giveaway!

    sylvesternator (at) yahoo (dot) com

  8. Litany

    I liked diane stortz fb page under the name litany prayerofhope hope. I also signed up for her newsletter using

  9. Kristen

    Hi Ava! I “liked” both yours and Diane’s fb pages and signed up for Diane’s newsletter as well! A couple of months ago I got a copy of your devotional on the different name of God, I’ve been holding off until I’m done with the 2 I’m going through now, but am very much looking forward to doing yours!

    kam110476 AT gmail DOT com

  10. admin

    Hi, Kristen – thanks for participating in our hunt! Looking forward to your thoughts about Daily Reflections on the Names of God after you start it!

  11. admin

    Welcome, Diana! Glad to get to know you! Hope you’re enjoying the CAN hunt!

  12. Susan P

    Liked her fb page! Thanks for joining in the giveaway!
    lattebooks at hotmail dot com

  13. Ginger Bliss

    Ava, I have thoroughly enjoyed going through this “Hunt” and can’t wait to read some the books. Hope you are doing well, miss you!

  14. admin

    Glad you enjoyed it, Ginger! Miss you, too!


  1. Catch Us if You CAN: Spring Scavenger Hunt | Sherry Kyle - [...] Now, proceed to stop #22, Ava Pennington’s site! [...]

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