Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I’ve been thinking about crutches lately. Maybe it’s because my Bible class recently finished studying the account of Jacob in the book of Genesis. After he wrestled with God, Jacob was left with a limp. I wonder, did he require the use of a crutch after that experience? 

Physical aids aren’t the only types of crutches. I’ve been told many times that “religion is a crutch.” Anyone ever tell you that? It’s usually said with a condescending tone, inferring that only weak, foolish people need it.

CrutchWhen did using a crutch become something to be ashamed of? Would you rather walk on a broken leg and compromise the healing process or walk with the support of a crutch while the bone heals stronger than before? 

Crutches provide strength and stability to those who need it. Which brings me to Christianity. Christians believe Christ is the answer to the biggest need they will ever have: the need to deal with the sin that separates them from their holy Creator. They cling to the only solution for this problem: the sinless life, substitutionary death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Those who call Christianity a “crutch” believe they have it all together. They have no need for a savior because there is nothing they need saving from. But is this a realistic view of life? 

Do you know anyone who truly has it all together?

A thought-life that is totally under control?

Never lost their temper?

Never a word spoken inappropriately?

No bad habits?

Never a selfish motive?

No faults at all?

Of course not. Because every one of us is broken in some way. We all fall short of a perfect God. Why wouldn’t we want to receive the only solution to our problem? Wouldn’t it be foolish not to? 

Even if one does not believe in God, is it reasonable to believe this world is all there is? That life is a cosmic accident, and we live and die with no more purpose than a hamster racing to nowhere on its wheel? From my perspective, it takes more faith to believe this than to believe God created the world – and us – for an eternal relationship with Him.

I’m not a Christian because I’m strong and have it all together. I’m a Christian because I’m weak and admit I need a Savior. I’m a Christian because my “crutch” makes me healthy and whole. My relationship with Christ gives my life meaning far beyond my brief time on this earth. 

Jesus once said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent” (Luke 5:31-32 NLT).

Who needs a crutch? I’m not ashamed to say I do.  Do you?

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  1. Grace

    Such a powerful post! In my weakness, I find His strength. Those who feel they have no need of Christ will one day find that they did need Him, but sadly it will be too late! I do not know how I could have survived my past without the “crutch” of Christ. He is Who I lean upon, find comfort in, find shelter, wisdom, and direction. He is my all and without Him, I am nothing. Thank you for your words, Ava. I also want to encourage you! As bloggers, we blog for One. We never know who reads and never comments. But I want you to know that you bless me with every post!
    Your sister in Him,

  2. admin

    Thank you, Grace. You’re right – since few people comment, it’s difficult to know if our posts are having an impact. Thank you for your encouragement!

  3. Jeannie

    Thank you for sharing this. It’s encouraging to reconsider those things that seem to weaken us in light of their bringing us closer to a need for our Lord.

  4. admin

    God’s way is usually the opposite of our natural inclinations, isn’t it? 🙂

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