Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

For every mother who sacrificed for her children.

For every mother who has been her children’s greatest cheerleader.

For every mother who challenged her children to be the best they can be.

For every mother who gave more of herself than she thought possible.

For every mother who wondered if it was all worth it, this video clip is for you:

And yet, as moving as this video is, every mother has an even greater calling. A calling to teach her children that:

As much as you love them, Someone else loves them more.

As much as you want them to succeed, Someone else has given them eternal purpose.

As much as you want the best for them, Someone else already gave His best for them.

As much as you would give your life for them, Someone else already has.

Most of all, teach your children:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Teach them these things, and you can be certain that, it is, indeed, all worth it.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mothers Day

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  1. Pam Walsh

    Thank you so much for this tribute to mothers. I was able to spend Mother’s Day with my mom this year. It was a time of joy and heartache. You see, my mom had a stroke on April 30th. I flew up to New Jersey to be with her. As I helped her out of the chair, in the shower, fixed her meals, got up overnight with her, I realized how blessed I was to be able to “mother my mother”. I was her encourager when her aching knees didn’t want to straighten out, her friend in time of need, her helper around the house. And I began to think about what it was like to be a mom. A mom is an encourager, a teacher, a friend, a helper. A mom wears many hats. I may have been blessed with biological children, but You, dear Ava, were blessed with a gift as well. You were given a gift to be able to encourage women in their faith, to teach them the Bible, to help them on their journey with the Lord, to be a friend in time of need, to route them on through the good times and bad. So although you may not have been a mother, per say, you have “mothered” so many. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to take some of your bible study classes. I salute you!! God bless!

  2. admin

    Thank you, Pam. Your mom is blessed to have you. And I am blessed by your kind words!

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