Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

I am an unabashed Christmasphile. I play Christmas carols in July – in Florida! We set up our Christmas tree no later than the day after Thanksgiving. Of course, if it were up to me, the tree would be displayed weeks earlier, but my husband is the voice of reason in our home. I love to bake Christmas cookies and gingerbread houses, and I’m on the hunt for just the right Christmas gifts year-round.

However, for many years, by the end of Christmas day I would experience a huge emotional let-down. We’d return home from visiting family and friends, and Christmas would be over. Sigh. Then my sweet hubby and I established a new tradition.

Instead of opening our gifts from each other on Christmas eve or Christmas morning, we save them until the end of Christmas day. After all the visits are completed and we’ve stuffed ourselves silly with more holiday yummy delights than should be legally consumed, we come home and exchange gifts.

Then, no matter how late it is, we turn off all the lights except the Christmas tree, and curl up on the couch to watch a classic Christmas movie. Basking in the light of the tree and sipping eggnog while watching the black-and-white version of A Christmas Carol, starring Alastair Sim, provides the perfect ending to a beloved day.

What’s your favorite Christmas tradition?

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  1. Joanna

    One of my favorite Christmas traditions is when on Christmas morning before opening our presents, we read Luke 2. I am not sure how old he was, but ever since he started reading (at least for the last 10 years now) it has been my son Matthew’s privilege to read. Each year he gets older (and more handsome)and more animated and proficient at reading it, but as I look and listen I still see the little 5-year-od boy in his Buzz Light Year pajamas with his little lisp. Where does the time go? Shhhh, don’t tell him. You know how teenagers are.

  2. Penni

    We love to drive around to look at Christmas lights after church on Christmas Eve. Then we have Christmas cookies and hot chocolate when we get home.

  3. admin

    We’re hoping to look at Christmas lights tonight!

  4. admin

    Hearing the Christmas story read from Luke places everything in perspective, doesn’t it?

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