I am thrilled to announce that the picture book series, Faith Basics for Kids, has been released by Standard Publishing.
This series has been an especially dear project for me for the past several years, and to hold the first two books in my hands is a true joy. I am especially grateful to Crystal Bowman for co-authoring these books and creating rhythm and rhyme that almost sings on each page!
These books are more than just picture books for children. They use lively text and age-appropriate language to present deep spiritual truths in a kid-friendly way. Each book incorporates familiar actions and experiences to help children relate to the story and understand an abstract Bible truth.
Additionally, each book also has an addendum that further explains the Bible truth to the parent or teacher. These addendums provide the biblical foundation and teaching to equip the adult to better understand the truth for themselves and to explain it to their children.
The first book in the series is Do You Love Me More?
Young children will learn that good works are not necessary to earn God’s love;
instead, our good works show gratitude to God for his grace.
The second book in the series is Will I See You Today?
Young children will learn that God is with them every day, everywhere they go.
Would you consider doing three things?
1. Rejoice with me at the release of Faith Basics for Kids!
2. Pray with me that God will use these books to plant His truth in the hearts of children and their parents.
3. Buy Do You Love Me More? and Will I See You Today? for a child you know!