Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Is Jesus the Son of God? Some say that such a thing is a “New Testament” idea. Yet 700 years before the birth of Jesus, the Old Testament prophet Isaiah made it clear this baby was more than an ordinary child…

For the past four weeks, I’ve been looking at the four names Isaiah used to describe the Messiah: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. But the beginning of Isaiah 9:6 speaks volumes in a few familiar words:

“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Did you catch it? The reference to One who would be fully human and fully God? No?
Look again…

“For to us a child is born…”
A child born of a woman. Formed in the womb. Fully human. One who understands what it means to be hungry and thirsty and tired. One who experienced temptation and betrayal first-hand.

“To us a son is given…”
Not just born, but given, as well. A son given by God Himself. A son who is God. Given to be sacrificed as an atonement for sin. Given to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. Given to provide salvation – restoration to the God of all creation.

Fully human and fully God. The only one qualified to bridge the gap between man and his Creator. Jesus. The Messiah. The Christ. The baby whose birth we celebrate.

May your Christmas be merry with the wonder and joy of knowing Him personally!

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1 Comment

  1. Giselle Aguiar

    Bless You! Very nice – keep it up and thank you for helping spread God’s message!

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