Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe   Passions are riding high these days. In many ways, our culture—especially related to politics—is at a flashpoint. The slightest spark has the potential—no, the probability—of setting a wildfire consuming everything in its path. We...

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Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?                       Anyone besides me feel frustrated at the apparent success of those who do evil in a world that frowns on a biblical worldview? There are times when I feel like crying out to God along with the psalmist who said...

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Waiting for the Church’s Bridegroom

Waiting for the Church’s Bridegroom

Waiting for the Church’s Bridegroom   June is traditionally associated with weddings. So I can’t allow the month to pass without congratulating you on your engagement and coming wedding. What? You say you’re not engaged? Oh, but you are! The Bible contains...

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Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes

Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes

Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes   In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, can God be trusted? And if you’re having trouble trusting Him for the next year, can you trust Him for the next five minutes? For years, I struggled with anxiety attacks...

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Walking in the Light When It’s Dark

Walking in the Light When It’s Dark

Walking in the Light When It’s Dark   Have you ever been in a situation where you were walking in a well-lit place and the lights went out? It might have been a power outage in your home. Or perhaps you were walking through a park and a dark thunderstorm suddenly...

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Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience

Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience

Spiritual Heroes and Practical Obedience   Have you heard the story about a man who escapes his boring life by fantasizing about being a hero? If you’re familiar with books and movies such as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty or Don Quixote, you know what I mean....

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Spiritual Growth When God is Silent

Spiritual Growth When God is Silent

Spiritual Growth When God is Silent   I don’t usually do well with long periods of silence . . . especially when God is the one who is silent. Many illustrations about spiritual growth come from the agricultural world. A seed is planted, and then it sprouts,...

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Should We “Celebrate” Memorial Day?

Should We “Celebrate” Memorial Day?

Should We “Celebrate” Memorial Day?   Celebrate. Sacrifice. Two words we don’t usually pair together. Still, two days on our calendar have been set aside to do just that. To celebrate sacrifice. Not with joy, but with solemnity, honor, and gratitude. Because...

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God Knows Your Name

God Knows Your Name

God Knows Your Name   Have you ever felt the urge to hide? Maybe you messed up so badly that you didn’t want anyone to know. Or you were so beaten down emotionally that you felt worthless. All you wanted was anonymity—to find a place where no one knew who you...

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Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe   Passions are riding high these days. In many ways, our culture—especially related...

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Are You Surviving or Thriving?                       Anyone besides me feel frustrated at the apparent success of...