Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Six Steps to Speaking the Truth in Love

Six Steps to Speaking the Truth in Love

Six Steps to Speaking the Truth in Love   Ever been attacked by someone who wields truth like a club? I have. And ouch, did it ever hurt! Or maybe you recall the childhood rhyme, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Do you remember chanting that childhood accusation at...

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The Order of Submission

The Order of Submission

The Order of Submission   If ever a word could be identified as an emotional trigger, it’s submission. And if submission is mentioned in the context of marriage, then dive for cover because the trigger just became a grenade! Do the following words sound familiar?...

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Christians and National Cookie Month

Christians and National Cookie Month

Christians and National Cookie Month   Did you know October is National Cookie Month? Not that I need an excuse to eat more cookies! Are you wondering about the connection between Christians and National Cookie Month? Stay with me a bit longer . . . Do you have a...

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Are You Praying and Living TALL?

Are You Praying and Living TALL?

Are You Praying and Living TALL?   I didn’t understand her comment. Our team had met for a working dinner meeting. We shared a meal and completed the planning portion of the session, and now the five of us sat around the dining room table sharing prayer requests....

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Work Out Salvation by Running Bases?

Work Out Salvation by Running Bases?

Work Out Salvation by Running Bases?   When we moved into our home twenty years ago, we installed new carpeting. But if you visit me today, a quick glance at the same carpets will tell you a lot about our habits without a word spoken. You could easily determine...

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Are You Mastered or a Masterpiece?

Are You Mastered or a Masterpiece?

Are You Mastered or a Masterpiece?   Did you know my bio is recorded in the Bible? Yup! Paul described me to a T when he wrote in Romans 7:15-19, “I do not understand what I do . . . For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I...

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Forgive and Forget . . . or Not?

Forgive and Forget . . . or Not?

Forgive and Forget . . . Or Not?   Forgive and forget. Forget and forgive. Joined like love and marriage or the proverbial horse and carriage. Forget and forgive. They’re even listed one right after the other in my dictionary. Forever joined together…or are they?...

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Increasing Awareness of Sin: Good or Bad?

Increasing Awareness of Sin: Good or Bad?

Increasing Awareness of Sin: Good or Bad?   Ever feel as if you can’t pray because you’re so aware of your own sin? After I first became a follower of Jesus Christ, I was shocked to find I felt more sinful than before I became a Christian. And that awareness...

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The Power of the Tongue

The Power of the Tongue

Power of the Tongue   “O, Lord: Help my words be gracious and tender today, For tomorrow I may have to eat them!”   “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never harm me.” I can still hear that childish chant echo down through the years. Trouble...

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Trying Harder to Believe a Lie

Trying Harder to Believe a Lie

Trying Harder to Believe a Lie   Are you concerned that you’re not “doing” the Christian life right? Perhaps you’ve believed the lie that you need to try harder to do better. I was raised to believe that as long as I worked hard and worked smart, I would succeed...

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