Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Who Is El Elyon and Why Should We Care?

Who Is El Elyon and Why Should We Care?

Who Is El Elyon and Why Should We Care?   The more I read and listen to news reports of current events, the more my head hurts. Truly. Watching a world in which truth is manipulated to mean whatever you want it to mean can bring on a roaring headache . . . and...

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Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe   Passions are riding high these days. In many ways, our culture—especially related to politics—is at a flashpoint. The slightest spark has the potential—no, the probability—of setting a wildfire consuming everything in its path. We...

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Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes

Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes

Trusting God for the Next Five Minutes   In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, can God be trusted? And if you’re having trouble trusting Him for the next year, can you trust Him for the next five minutes? For years, I struggled with anxiety attacks...

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A Peacekeeper or a Peacemaker?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could declare a day for all conflicts to be resolved? Well, someone came up with that idea and declared October 15 Conflict Resolution Day. Actually, true and perfect conflict resolution will come when Jesus Christ returns. Still, I don’t...

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A Sense of Entitlement

I deserve this. I earned it. It’s my right. A sense of entitlement. We see it in political debates about whether certain government benefits are a “gift” or have been earned. We see it in marriages and other relationships as individual people focus more on their...

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He is Mine

When you read a Bible verse, how do you decide which words to focus on? For example, which would you say are the important words in the following verses: “Blessed be the LORD, my rock… My lovingkindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer; My shield and He...

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Powerful Names

Names can ignite treasured memories or they can bring to mind people and experiences we’d rather forget. When I hear the name Barbie, I think of the iconic doll from my childhood. Elizabeth reminds me of the Queen of England. Sandy reminds me of…tragedy. Two years ago...

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Male Pronouns Are Important

Blatantly sexist. Hierarchical. Offensive. Oppressive. Domineering. What would provoke such harsh declarations? The writer of those words goes on to identify the reason: “capitalized, masculine pronouns in…every description of God.” These severe pronouncements...

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Daily Reflections

Daily Reflections on the Names of God was written for the dailiness of life. It’s a daily devotional that explores the names and attributes of God, focusing on who He is, who we are in relationship to Him, and how that changes how we relate to each other.

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Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe

Compassion for Friend and Foe   Passions are riding high these days. In many ways, our culture—especially related...

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