Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
Living with Uncertainty

Living with Uncertainty

Living with Uncertainty   Benjamin Franklin may not have originated the phrase, but he is well known for observing, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It’s ironic that living with uncertainty is one of the few certainties...

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Adapt or Transform?

Adapt or Transform?

Adapt or Transform?   I've heard it said that when you move from a cold climate to a warm one, your blood “thins.” After the recent cold snap, I can attest to the fact that fifty degrees in New York feels warm, but after more than twenty years in south Florida,...

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Waiting Joyfully

Waiting Joyfully

Waiting Joyfully   “Wait” is my one-word for 2022. I confess, for most of this year I have not been waiting well. I’ve wanted to wait better. Really. But an examination of why I haven’t been waiting well yielded the realization that my focus was on the wrong...

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Three Steps to Look Up

Three Steps to Look Up

Three Steps to Look Up!   “Look where you’re going!” My mother’s words echo in my memory. I had my share of scraped knees as a child, often because I did not look where I was going. “Look where you’re going” is good advice. Whether hiking through a forest or...

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How Would You Describe Your Life?

How Would You Describe Your Life?

How Would You Describe Life?   Advice and quotes about life abound, some serious, some humorous, and more than a few infused with sarcasm. I recently saw the new Downton Abbey movie. As much as I enjoy the Downton Abbey franchise, it’s not my usual go-to source...

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Feeding Hope

Feeding Hope

Feeding Hope   I welcomed the end of the dry season as the rains started up again. Not yet with the regularity of the full-blown rainy season, but we can tell it’s coming. And not a moment too soon. My garden was wilting. But my schedule caused me to put watering...

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Recover Stolen Peace

Recover Stolen Peace

Recover Stolen Peace   Heartache consumed Margarite. A mature Christian in her mid-twenties, she had struggled to accept a series of significant losses. In the span of three years, five people close to her died. She understood grieving was a long-term process,...

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Looking for direction?

Looking for direction?

Looking for Direction?   Life in a sin-sick, broken world has always been uncertain. But lately? Lately, we’ve been experiencing uncertainty on steroids! So in the midst of such uncertainty, how do we find our way? We seek God’s direction, but recognizing the...

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Worn Out or Persevering?

Worn Out or Persevering?

Worn Out or Persevering?   Are you worn out? I am. I’m worn out after a nonstop flood of bad news. A pandemic that won’t leave. The death of people I love. Natural disasters such as the Cat 4 hurricane that hit New Orleans on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane...

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Declutter More than Your Closet!

Declutter More than Your Closet!

Declutter More Than Your Closet!   I recently received an alert on my cell phone. Seems I had too many temp files consuming valuable space. The fix was simple: click on each app, select “storage and cache,” then select “clear cache.” Voila! Unnecessary files...

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