Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
True/False Quiz: What We Believe and Why

True/False Quiz: What We Believe and Why


What’s Christian and what’s not?
Test your answers to the following 10 true or false statements:
  1. All spirituality is good.
  2. We are essentially “one” with all that exists, including God.
  3. God is separate from humanity.
  4. Science has proven the Bible contains errors.
  5. Spiritual teaching must be true if it quotes the Bible.
  6. Truth is relative: what is true for you may not be true for me.
  7. All religions are equal and point to a single core Truth.
  8. There are a variety of ways to God, but the best way is through Jesus Christ.
  9. No matter how hard we try to live a good life, we can never do enough to get to heaven.
  10. As long as I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, I will go to heaven.
  11. Bonus question:
    God requires believers to live by blind faith.


All spirituality is good.

“Spirituality is not the same as Christianity. And a “spiritual awakening” is not the same as a biblically-based personal relationship with God. In fact, the word “spirituality” is not even in the Bible! Spirituality is a catch-all word that can refer to any deeply held religious beliefs related to the meaning of life.

But being spiritual is not the same as trusting Jesus Christ for salvation and restoration with our heavenly Father.


We are essentially “one” with all that exists, including God.

“May the Force be with you” may work for Star Wars, but not for Christians. False teachers focus on the divine essence that connects all beings. They teach that the energy of our dominant thoughts goes out into the universe and attract circumstances  on the same frequency—positive or negative. This teaching identifies us as the source to obtain our desires as we tap into the universe.

But we are not God, and the universe does not revolve around us, nor can we manipulate it to provide our desires.


God is separate from humanity.

The God of the Bible is separate from humanity. He existed before His creation. He is transcendent, meaning He exists everywhere, yet is above us. As the Creator, He made everything—including humanity—and we’re accountable to Him. And while the Holy Spirit indwells every Christian, He resides in us, but is not sourced by us.

New Age spirituality teaches that god is a force or divine energy found within every person, without distinction between God and us.


Science has proven the Bible contains errors.

The Bible is not simply a reliable book, it is an authoritative book. The Bible is God’s Word, not the opinion of human writers. It has repeatedly been proven true in a variety of ways, including archeological discoveries, fulfilled prophecies, and consistency of ancient copies. While scientific theories may dispute the Bible, no scientific law has disproven the biblical record.


Spiritual teaching must be true if it quotes the Bible.

Many spiritual teachers quote the Bible, yet do not believe the Bible is an accurate revelation of the character of God and the nature of humanity. In most instances when they quote Bible verses, they take the verse out of context and misinterpret it to align with their teaching.


Truth is relative—what is true for you may not be true for me.

The foundation of the spirituality of false teaching is that there’s no such thing as objective, absolute truth. Each individual decides what is right or wrong, good or bad, truth or lie. People do what’s right in their own eyes.

But Jesus told Pontius Pilate, “For this I was born  . . . to testify to the truth.” As Christians, we share the truth God has revealed because of His love for us and His desire for all men to be saved & to come to the knowledge of the truth.


All religions are equal and point to a single core Truth.

We’re told it’s hateful and intolerant to believe Christianity is true and other religions are wrong. But the apostle Paul warned in Colossians 2:8 to not be taken captive by the traditions of men rather than the truth of Christ. Truth is a Person, not a philosophy.


There are a variety of ways to God, but the best way is Jesus Christ.

The world tells us it’s narrow-minded to believe there is only one way to God. They claim all spiritual quests lead to God and heaven. Yet that belief denies Jesus Christ’s bold declaration that He alone is the way, the truth, and the life: “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).


No matter how hard we try to live a good life, we can never do enough to get to heaven.

False teachers tell us everyone is basically good and that the key is to find the goodness within us and allow it to emerge. They hold that if we do enough good things, they will outweigh the bad things we do and God will accept us. But how much good is good enough? As C.S. Lewis wrote, “The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.


As long as we follow the teachings of Jesus, we will go to heaven.

Many forms of spirituality accept Jesus as a historical teacher, but reject Him as the Christ, the one whom God sent to be the “sacrifice for our sins”  (1 John 4:10). Others talk of a “Christ-consciousness” in some mystical, global sense but refuse to connect this to the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

CS Lewis described it this way: “If a mere man said the things Jesus said, he would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic or he’d be the Devil of Hell. You must choose. Either He was & is the Son of God, or else crazy or plain evil.”


God requires believers to live by blind faith.

There is nothing blind about our faith. We have the testimony of the Bible, history and archeology, and our own personal experience. As someone once said, We can allow the world to teach us theology or we can allow the Word teach us theology.

* * *

Who is Jesus? The answer marks the division between who or what is or isn’t Christian. In 1 John 4:1, we’re told to “test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Bottom line: the spirituality of a person with strong morals and values, but who doesn’t embrace Jesus Christ as the only Son of God, Savior, and resurrected Lord, is not Christian and cannot save.

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