Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Greater Than Obstacles, Time, and Timing


Nothing is impossible with God.


All things are possible with God.

          Right on!

Our awesome God does abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine.

          Amen and say it again, Sister!

But then we get frightened…

And we forget…

And we start to doubt…

  Will He help?

          Why doesn’t He help?

          Why is He taking so long to help?

Pastor and author Dr. Adrian Rogers once observed that God is more concerned with timing than with time. On the other hand, you and I are usually more concerned with our heavenly Father taking us out of our trials rather than through them.

Think about the combined impact of those two statements for a moment. We’re preoccupied with time, its passage, and the accompanying obstacles and difficulties that seem to multiply with every fleeting moment. But God is waiting for the right timing to act for our good and His glory. We obsess about time with every tick of the clock, knowing that, whatever else we may attempt to control, time cannot be conquered. Its passage brings events, obstacles, and circumstances that we could never anticipate, and couldn’t change even if we wanted to.

Remember that “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4 NAS). There is no obstacle in your life, yesterday, today, or tomorrow, that is greater than the One who not only created, sustains, and loves you beyond your greatest dreams, but who also holds time, itself, in His hands. The truth of His Word contains a multitude of accounts illustrating how our giants are nothing more than grasshoppers in His sight…and further demonstrates just how much the Father delights in showing Himself mighty on your behalf and mine, no matter what obstacles we might be facing.

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