Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington
The Megaphone of Pain

The Megaphone of Pain


Pain exploded throughout my knee last week. I’ve been barely hobbling with the help of a walking cane. Treatment has not helped . . . yet.

But I have a choice: I can wallow in self-pity or I can learn from this experience. As C.S. Lewis noted in his book, The Problem of Pain, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

Pain and suffering are the consequences of sin in our broken world. But nothing is wasted in God’s economy. As He continues to allow this temporary (hopefully) season, how might the Lord use this for my good and His glory? What might He want me to learn?


A deeper level of trust

Just when I think I’m fully trusting the Lord, He reveals I’m merely scratching the surface of trust. When it comes to trusting Him, God is continuously calling me to come “further up, further in” as C.S. Lewis wrote in The Last Battle. And I know I have much further to go!

Reminder that I’m not alone

A simple request for prayer resulted in countless people praying for me, offering help, and sending encouraging messages. In short, God reminds me of the many people He has placed in my life to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Growing my attitude of gratitude

In a recent conversation with my friend Shelia, I asked her how she was feeling. She answered with a chuckle, “Better than I deserve.” Wow, did that remind me, regardless of what I’m feeling at the moment, I am most definitely feeling better than I deserve! Yes, indeed, I have much to be thankful for. There’s truth in the adage, “things could be worse!”

Better focus

Lack of mobility has eliminated distractions. Tasks I thought were important really aren’t. Things that seemed critical can actually wait. Of course, I’ve had to cancel some important commitments, but this is also a lesson in letting go. And since I’m forced to sit still a bit more, I have additional time to work on my current work-in-progress manuscript . . . which just happens to include a chapter on patience!


I’m not for a minute saying I’ve completely learned all these lessons. But I can at least say I am learning!


What has God taught you in times of pain?



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