Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Most of us love the excitement one-time events bring. College graduation, wedding, the birth of a baby, milestone anniversaries – we await their arrival with eager anticipation, don’t we?

The dailiness of life rarely holds the same fascination, at least in my own experience. When I lived and worked in New York, my weekday schedule looked something like this:

Wake up, clean up, dress up

Commute to work before sunrise


Commute home in the dark (especially during winter)

Dress down, eat dinner, sleep.


Not very exciting. Not even very interesting. Yet, out of that routine came the first story I wrote that was commercially published ten years ago: “Not Just Another Rat,” in Chicken Soup for the Working Women’s Soul.

Daily Reflections on the Names of God - lo-res Many stories, devotions, magazine articles, and a few books later, I’m happy to announce my first devotional, One Year Alone with God, has been reprinted as a softcover under a new title:
Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional.

Which brings me back to the dailiness of life. The spiritual life of a Christian includes exciting milestones. These events include the decision to trust Christ as Savior, baptism, or special times of healing or teaching. But most of our spiritual growth doesn’t occur during those mountaintop experiences. Most of our growth happens in the valleys – in the daily routines of life.

Persevering when we’re tired.

Trusting when we’re fearful.

Loving the unlovable.

Daily Reflections on the Names of God was written for application to the dailiness of life. It’s a daily devotional that explores the names and attributes of God, focusing on who He is, who we are in relationship to Him, and how this changes the way we relate to each other.

I hope you’ll use this devotional for yourself and perhaps obtain it for Christmas gifts, too. 🙂
For those who used it under the original title, would you be willing to write a short review under the new title (Daily Reflections on the Names of God) for websites such as AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, and CHRISTIANBOOK?

(And feel free to share this post! 😉 )

May this devotional be a blessing to you, your friends, and your family!

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