Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

Someone once said that the worst moment for an atheist is when he is really thankful and has no one to thank. I don’t know if that’s true, since I’m not an atheist, but…

I do know that I do have Someone to thank. Someone who is the source of every blessing, beginning with my restored relationship with Him.

Someone who has placed a burning desire in me to know Him and then to share what He teaches me. Someone who has given me the opportunity to teach and to write about the most important Person in my life.

We live in a world where it’s acceptable to speak of spirituality – to speak of a Someone. Because a reference to Someone can be applied to anyone.

So here’s where I leave the politically correct world…

I am thankful to Yahweh for His gift of salvation, a salvation that involves all three persons of the Trinity. I am thankful to God the Father for His great plan to do what I could not do for myself – He restored my relationship with Him. I am thankful to God the Son, Jesus Christ, for accomplishing my salvation by dying for me. I am thankful to God the Holy Spirit for effecting this salvation by creating new life in the part of me that had been dead.

Is that all I am thankful for? No. I am thankful for my terrific husband, loved ones who have enriched my life, health…the list is endless, but the source is the same.

Have I offended you? I hope not. But I cannot approach Thanksgiving Day without naming what I am thankful for and to whom I am thankful.

May your Thanksgiving Day be as blessed as I know mine will be.

Now it’s your turn…

Who do you thank when you are thankful?
For what are you thankful?

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