Author Ava Pennington
Author Ava Pennington

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As you might imagine from the above, I write things down, I plan ahead, and I have an orderly (and perhaps a bit compulsive) life. Spontaneity is not one of my strongest characteristics!

But I’ve been working to change all that. It has a lot to do with trying to be in control. Control of my time, control of my schedule, control of my life. Lately, God has been reminding me that any illusions I have of being in control are just that…illusions.

Last week, a dear friend announced via Facebook that she had an extra ticket to a Women of Faith conference. She sent it to her entire “friend” list. Taking advantage of her proposal meant an overnight trip, leaving 36 hours from the time she posted the offer.

I read her post and my first thought was, That’s nice. Hope she and whoever joins her has a nice time. I didn’t even consider it. Going would mean rearranging my schedule, causing me to be backed up on other commitments. I had a blog to write, an article deadline looming, a book proposal to finish, and a Bible lesson for 200 women to prepare. Nope. The conference was not even an option.

But a quiet voice within me said, Go. Go, even though it isn’t in your plans. Go, even though you may have to double-up on some of your work. Go, even though you don’t know what hotel she booked or where your arena seats are (I dislike heights, so I avoid the “nosebleed seats” whenever possible). Go.

I called her, all the while thinking, I’ll just ask about it. Besides, someone else probably jumped at the chance, so it won’t amount to anything. But no one else had inquired. The ticket was mine if I wanted it.

I could have said “No.” I almost did.
Instead, I said “Yes.” And I’m glad I did.

It was a joy to spend time with a friend I don’t often see. I heard presentations that touched my heart and spoke to my spirit. For a change, I wasn’t the teacher. I was the student, and I drank it in. And God convicted me of an area that I hadn’t considered important…until then.

Did I come home to a backed-up schedule? Was it worth it?
Yes and yes.

Will I be as flexible the next time God interrupts my schedule?
I hope so!

How has God recently interrupted your schedule?
How did you

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